Live Well With Apell Logo

What my clients

are saying

“Emma is such a bright ray of sunshine with the biggest heart, she’s always in your corner and has got your back to 100%. From the very start I have always felt.. safe? I knew that putting my trust in her was going to be one of the best things I’ve ever done.”
“Emma truly cares for her team, not only about their workouts and progress in the gym, but the mental journey we´re all experiencing every single day. That is for me a significant difference from other coaches who might just send you a program and say the job´s done. Emma is with her girls, ALL THE WAY.”
“I have never been more confident, happy, full of energy or actually able to enjoy my life more than i am now. I have never felt so powerful or strong and it makes me feel so incredibly confident.”
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Healthier habits, mindset & quality of life

I live for celebrating the small things in life and to make the most out of every day. Moving your body is a celebration of all that your body can do and this is the mindset I want to help you reach on the side of your goals.

As your coach, I will help you gain mental and physical strength while making sure that you find a love for taking care of your body.


Coach Apell performing a deadlift




✨ number one



programs ✨

You will get full access to my app with your own personalized training and meal plan as well as full support from me. By creating healthy habits that suit you we will work together so that you reach your goals.

You will be our priority and we will make it fun.


Your own workout plan that has been created specifically for you and your goals. The plan is flexible so that it will suit your lifestyle, routine, and level at any moment.



A personalized and flexible meal plan created to suit your life, your body, and your goals. Quick and easy meals with endless delicious recipe ideas. Time to realize that you can enjoy all your favorite food while reaching your goals.



You will have full support from me when you have questions, feedback, or need that extra motivation. I will be by your side all the way.


You can easily track your progress straight in the app at any time. This will make us be able to see your progress over time and make adjustments when needed.

Coach Apell looking at you smiling

a little bit

about me

Coach Apell with her right hand on her waist looking away smiling

I'll be your coach
but also your
supportive friend

Hi! I am Emma Apell.

I started at the gym as the unconfident girl and came out the other way, strong, confident and powerful. My life changed to the better when I found a love for taking care of my physical as well as my mental health. Now I want to help YOU feel the same.

Helping others has always been a big passion of mine and the reason I became a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritional Advisor. With my knowledge about training and nutrition as well as my background in Psychology, I am here to help you create healthy habits, gain confidence within yourself and reach your goals in a sustainable way.

Let us start this journey towards
a happier and healthier you!

@livewellwithapell ✨

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.